Xala Chikal


A defective clone of Dr. Xala

The older sister of Xander Chikal. She was adopted after appearing from the surrounding countryside out of nowhere, but has no idea how she ended up there. She has no idea how she lost her ear either.She remembered nothing about her past, only her name and her birth year of 2707. Once adopted and accepted into the village community, Xala took to the community ranches for work. There she met Safra, a Xeman close in age to her also wanting to work on the ranches. Both of them became quite close to the other over the years, eventually becoming lovers.
After Xander had left for the Xeman National Army, Xala stayed in the village with Safra to continue working on the ranches. When Xander came back with MX 9872 he asked if Xala would want to come with them to an abandoned lab they had found, suggesting it may have some kind of crelation to her past. On the way there, M commented on her appearance, saying "you look like my mother".
Once at the lab, Xala found papers refrencing a Dr. Xala, MX 9872, and an Ephsa Caulderoy. While only knowing one of these names, Xala still felt some connection to the others. A few minutes later, M found a computer containing a document that talked about an underground section closed off from the main lab. When they opened up the underground section, it was filled with other clones of Xala with one broken tank off to the side. Beside this tank was more papers, all talking about a defective clone that was missing an ear.